

更新时间:2022-07-02 15:46:06作者:潘星教育网阅读量:66


  以如下英语写作文《Tai-chi sport makes you enjoy your life to the full》为例,说明:学生只要想写出具有独立创造思维价值的判断推理的英语文,那么就得依据逻辑思维规律,在阐述已知写作提示内容中,挖掘出所产生的内在和外在原因及其结果,作出合理判断、推理,以认识客观情况的本真思考规律,写出优秀英语。其中明逻辑和暗逻辑连接起英语五个句式及其扩展句子,就可写出更加绚丽多彩的英语文。

  Tai-chi sport makes you enjoy your life to the full

  By B.C. LIU

  The sport team from our company won the first prize for tai-chi playing on March 25, 20--, during the 36th Tianjin Keep-fit Exercise Competition as held in Tianjin People Gymnasium. Congratulating the team on being awarded the first prize, Tai-chi players everyone could talk so much endlessly about this.

  Our company-performed Tai chi is so much popular with watchers here, bringing great pleasure to them and making their eyes “light up”. They have shouted with joy as was expressed at the Tai-chi performance put on in high spirits.

  The teamers are playing Tai Chi on spot with such a fine art that it grows attractive to audience. Only in this time, so, can they do it carefully, not mentioned, of course. As shown to you in the time, they seem not to notice anything nearby but to have every good posture adopted towards audience. It makes teamers respected greatly.

  This is regarded as being the achievement which has turned them full of working very hard, as is reminded everyone, at doing Tai-chi sport frequently 3 times a week at spare time.

  Players in the team have done Tai-chi sport as physical exercise, one lasting only an hour once a time, without minding how early and how cold they get up in Winter morning. It depends on their willing to play Tai chi.

  That means the self-discipline required to drag teamers themselves out of bed one-hour earlier than usual was considerable. Some of them are to spend either Saturday or Sunday exhausting them at Tai chi, keeping their minds brilliant for doing its exercise to follow the excellent players. That is capable of improving on Tai-chi posture by learning from its mistakes, at home, in terms of friend circle called sport meeting performance team.

  Tai chi is interesting to more people who joined actively its team in sport played to benefit to them a lot. This, I a 10-month-old newcomer was to learn from my teacher later. As it leads all to have an idea, Tai-chi exercise is all of favorable sport perhaps.

  It is this exercise that helps someone come to know its advantages, I'd say sincerely. They show some like this. By Tai Chi, it means a type of Chinese physical exercise in which you make slow, is to control movement. It is well regarded as being one of sports such as other competitive leisure activities which need making an effort on being physical by taking skill highly.

  Feeling in good health, you as sport-related individual or team are getting the Tai-chi sport done either indoors or outdoors in Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter.

  You would possibly believe in putting some trouble out of your mind, mentally speaking, in such a way that playing Tai-chi, by occupying spare time so constructive, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom.

  Tai-chi sport enables you to develop well physically, mentally, that is full of vigor and vitality in everything which, I feel, you teamers do in your daily lives.

  In comparison to this, I'm sure, doing Tai-chi sport appears quite different from other one as its serious hobby brings people healthy together with happy, that being many advantages. Accordingly, it is easy to help provide relaxation for leisure hours, as just looking at one's treasure is always a joy.

  Say yes to this point as above. That proves to be right of popular saying "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". As seen from this, it is true that all of us need recreating. Relatively, you could not work all the time if maintaining good health and enjoying life. That shows more people the most popular way is to participate in sports. One of them is to play Tai chi, which has a great attraction for people who like to be either outdoor or indoor. This made a chance available to me to have Tai-chi experiences shared with you readers. All of above come to my mind at time when I heard that, to our delight, the team from the won first prize for playing Tai chi. Its teamers did not sit on audience’s chairs but stood up immediately congratulating each other with their hands rising and showing two-letter “V” and “V” to stand for victory and smile on their faces.

  The Tai-chi team makes greater progress or achievement at present than in past time, being thoughts to be composed of excellent players. To say, it is greatly true for them to encourage newcomer me to learn how to do Tai-chi sport technically. As seen from this, newcomer me is enabled to keep on playing Tai chi constantly, too, to be successful in Tai-chi hopefully.

  Players must be inspired to have become duly amused by Tai chi, its performance occurring on the day before or later, which had remained proud of our team-done its sport match in its art that appears in unity. The Tai-chi thought comes to players that everything around them was full of teacher zhang's kind instruction or guidance, continually their being careful to follow him. Aware of highly advanced skill existing on Tai-chi intelligence, teamers repeated a Tai-chi posture loving to do its sport, which relies on confidence gained in their minds.

  Tai chi helps you every players remain broad-minded in thoughts, enabling you to enjoy more leisure pleasantly today than the day before. These players have known them how to play Tai chi so beautifully in belief that, as one grows old, it is beneficial for her and/or him to be prevented from illness.

  Let's do the tai-chi sport which makes you enjoy your life to the full at present and in future, and find joy in this respect, I sincerely hope.

  As reminded us by this joy, naturally speaking lovely, everyone in this team would like you to know how much each of us appreciates so much thoughtful plans and careful arrangements chief Miss WEI , together with deputy chief Miss WANG , has made for us to play Tai-chi sport. In this regard, also, teamers must thank sub-deputy chief Mr. LI for the valuable services he rendered for meeting teacher Zhang at the gate in mornings, as well as those who cared Tai-chi music recorder, and did everything helpful to for the Tai-chi team.









































